Summer is now really starting to make its presence felt, with beautiful blue sunny skies appearing more often than not these days… which means, no doubt, that you’re all starting to think about the first barbecue of the year and all those fun picnics in the park.

Eating outside is de rigueur at this time of year and there’s no better way to enjoy the summer. However, as much fun as al fresco dining can be, you can often find yourself sharing your table fare with some uninvited guests.

Wasp season in the UK starts in April and ends in September so you’re sure to see them buzzing about over the next few months. Luckily, there are ways you can help to keep wasps away when you’re eating outside, so that you don’t have to worry about any potential stings.

Cucumber is a great weapon to have in your arsenal, as wasps really don’t like them and seem to have an aversion to the acids in the vegetable. Strategically place them around and about to help keep the perimeter clear.

What you plant in your garden can also help keep wasps at bay and wasps are known to shy away from the likes of lemongrass, wormwood and mint, so perhaps give these a go to see if they prove effective.

If by some misfortune you do find yourself with wasps buzzing here and there, try to avoid flapping at them if you can, as this can antagonise them and put them in attack mode. It’s best to stay still, so that you’re not perceived as a threat.

And, of course, if you find yourself with a serious wasp infestation, get in touch with us to ensure that your wasp nest is brought under pest control.