Mole Pest Control How Can We Help You?
The Exterminator Pest Control is a friendly family business based in Chelmsford, covering all of Essex and Suffolk. All our technicians are fully qualified to BPCA Standard of RSPH Level 2 in pest management and insured for your peace of mind.
Contrary to common belief moles are not blind. Moles can create a labyrinth of tunnels which run just below the surface, usually 2 or 3 inches deep, this increases the risk of the ground sinking if pressure is applied to weak points.
If you do find moles burrowing you can end up with damage to patios, paths and your lawn. There is also the increased risk of injury to yourself and others if the tunnel was to collapse.
Having to keep clearing away mole hills is time consuming and will leave an uneven surface. Then there’s the damage moles do below the surface by digging up plants and disrupting newly planted seeds by turning over the soil.
This in turn will encourage weeds to grow along with the undesired result of bringing stones to the surface of which could cause damage to any garden machinery.
On farms and small holdings livestock or crops could also be put at risk as bacteria can be brought to the surface from the soil below with an increase chance of listeria contamination (Listeriosis) which can lead to miscarriage in breeding animals.
Any mole infestation should really be treated as soon as the problem has been discovered. If you do allow the moles to breed it could lead to a major problem.
Female moles can give birth to up to 7 young in a single litter and can live for 3 to 5 years.
Moles need to consume about 60 to 100% of their own body weight in just one day and their diet consists mainly of grubs and earthworms these will be found within their runs and tunnels for them to easily scavenge.
Any keen gardener will know that every healthy lawn needs worms to aerate the soil and stimulate growth and so even one mole hill, can still cause damage to your lawn in the long run.
IF you do have a mole issue please use the contact form or call us.
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