Spring is now well underway, which means you may start to see a few little bumps and hillocks appearing in your beautifully manicured lawns over the next few weeks or so. Unfortunately, if you do start to see mounds in the grass, this can only mean one thing… you have a mole problem on your hands!

Moles are typically difficult to spot because they live underground, digging their way around and about, creating a system of tunnels and chambers in which to live. This digging is what indicates you do have a mole infestation, because they get rid of all that excavated soil by throwing it up to the surface, resulting in those unsightly and destructive bumps in the grass.

Mole activity is usually seen in late winter and early spring, so now’s the time to keep an eye on your gardens to see if you may have an issue to deal with. Usually, any mole hills you spot will be down to just one mole, so it may not be quite as tricky to get ahead of the situation as you may think at first.

Living a subterranean life is certainly an interesting way to exist and it also begs the all-important question… just how exactly do moles breathe when they’re burrowing about below ground?

A study carried out by the University of Manitoba looked into how eastern moles were able to live in an environment with such low oxygen levels and it was found that the secret lies in their blood, with haemoglobin proteins having a lower affinity for oxygen.

Sites on these proteins that would usually bind to a certain molecule aren’t present in these moles, which means there’s more room for CO2. This, in turn, means that moles are able to inhale the same air that they exhale without having to worry about CO2 poisoning, thus helping their bodies send oxygen to their tissues more efficiently.

So there you have it! Now you know! As impressive as this feat may be, however, you’re sure to want to get rid of any moles that are causing damage to your garden. If you do need help with UK mole control, get in touch with us today.